Erratum to: AAPS J

DOI: 10.1208/s12248-016-9991-1

Equation 6: The complete system should read

$$ \begin{array}{l}\frac{d{V}_1}{dt}=I\left({\mathrm{C}}_{\mathrm{cetuximab}}\right){k}_g{V}_1-S\left({\mathrm{C}}_{\mathrm{cisplatin}}\right){k}_k{V}_1\\ {}\frac{d{V}_2}{dt}=S\left({\mathrm{C}}_{\mathrm{cisplatin}}\right){k}_k{V}_1-{k}_k{V}_2\\ {}\frac{d{V}_3}{dt}={k}_k{V}_2-{k}_k{V}_3\\ {}\frac{d{V}_4}{dt}={k}_k{V}_3-{k}_k{V}_4\end{array} $$

Results: Drug exposure models

The parameter value for the cetuximab model should be k e  = 0.017h− 1, k a  = 0.44h− 1, F = 1, and V = 94mL ⋅ kg− 1.

The parameter values for the cisplatin model should be k a  = 42h− 1, k 10 = 1.3h− 1, k 12 = 3.3h− 1, k 21 = 0.047h− 1, F = 1, and V p  = 377mL ⋅ kg− 1.

Table I

In the third column the between-subject variability values should be 10 and 33 (instead of 0.10 and 0.33)

In the second column the value of Cov(k_g,V^0) should be changed to 0.017 (instead of 0.13).

Appendix 1

The first line should read: “Consider the unperturbed tumor model incorporating natural cell death, with main compartment V 1 and damage compartments V 2, …, V n , described by the following system of differential equations”

Equation 36: The vectors should be

$$ {\boldsymbol{w}}_{2,2}=\left(0,0,\dots, 0,1,0\right),{\boldsymbol{w}}_{2,3}=\left(0,\dots 0,1,0,0\right),\dots, {\boldsymbol{w}}_{2,n}=\left(0,1,0,\dots, 0\right) $$