1 Erratum to: Clin Pharmacokinet DOI 10.1007/s40262-014-0160-3

A Published-Ahead-of-Print version of this article was made available online on 08 August 2014. Errors have subsequently been identified in that version of the article, and the following corrections should be noted:

Abstract, Results, Last line, which previously read:

“The simulated data show the same trend as evidenced by greater change in exposures to oseltamivir (26 and 27 % for AUC6 and AUC24, respectively) than OSC (≤6 %).”

Should read:

“The simulated data show the same trend as evidenced by greater change in exposures to oseltamivir (27 and 26 % for AUC6 and AUC24, respectively) than OSC (≤6 %).”

Section 2.1, First line, which previously read:

“The effect of ethanol on oseltamivir hydrolysis to oseltamivir carboxylate (OSC) by CES1 was determined using recombinant human carboxylesterase-1b (BD SupersomesTM, BD Gentest, San Jose, CA, USA) at a final protein concentration of 0.1 mg/mL.”

Should read:

“The effect of ethanol on oseltamivir hydrolysis to oseltamivir carboxylate (OSC) by CES1 was determined using recombinant human carboxylesterase-1b (BD SupersomesTM, BD Gentest, San Jose, CA, USA) at a final protein concentration of 0.05 mg/mL.”

Section 3.4, 2nd last line, which previously read:

“The simulated data show the same trend—oseltamivir exposure increased (26 and 27 % for AUC6 and AUC24, respectively) but no change in OSC exposure was observed.”

Should read:

“The simulated data show the same trend—oseltamivir exposure increased (27 and 26 % for AUC6 and AUC24, respectively) but no change in OSC exposure was observed.”