Erratum to: Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2012) 110:227–238 DOI 10.1007/s11240-012-0145-6

Figure 4j in the original publication was an inadvertent duplication of Fig. 4g. The corrected Fig. 4 is shown below. The authors apologize for the error.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Cross sections of the middle portion of the stem of Pfaffia glomerata propagated in vitro under different closure systems and sucrose concentrations, and stained with the following reagents: coriphosphine induced-fluorescence (a, d, g, j); ruthenium red (b, e, h, k); and phloroglucin (c, f, i, l). ac Rigid polypropylene (RP) cap; df RP with two membrane disks (RP2). Cl collenchyma; Fb fiber; Vb vascular bundle, and Xy xylem; + (presence) and − (absence) of sucrose. Bars 50 lm