Erratum to: Chromatographia (2015) 78:543–550 DOI 10.1007/s10337-015-2853-7

In the original publication, the family and given names of the authors were incorrectly listed in references 16, 17 and 20.

The correct lists of authors for these references are:

  1. 16.

    Kanoatov M, Retif C, Cherney LT, Krylov SN (2012) Anal Chem 84:149–154

  2. 17.

    de Jong S, Krylov SN (2012) Anal Chem 84:453–458

  3. 20.

    Musheev MU, Filiptsev Y, Krylov SN (2010) Anal Chem 82:8692–8695