figure a

The opportunity to assume the role of editor of CCP after Herbie Newell is the most laudatory proposition I have yet encountered in my professional career. It is at the same time an enormous responsibility.

In assuming the role of Editor of CCP, I cannot envisage matching the brilliance of Herbie Newell nor parallel his breadth of knowledge in the diverse field of the pharmacology of anticancer drugs. I will, however, strive to focus all of my energy to spark meaningful exchanges with the other members of the Board as well as the reviewers that contribute to the excellence of this review, and to continue to ensure that CCP remains a reputed channel of knowledge that contributes to the improvement and advancement of cancer treatment.

This first editor’s note allows me as well to cite Merill Egorin (past Editor of CCP) as reference and model, a paragon of excellence in his domain, and an exemplary individual whose indelible legacy continues to inspire all of us in our field of research.